Monday, December 11, 2017

Art in 3 Parts. Parts 5 & 6

With these two works of art, I used two photos I took in Hickory of benches that had been painted. I then took two photos of my dogs and used the selection tool and used the define brush preset and made them into brushes to add to the photos. I added two layers and painted one dog on each image. Then I changed the blending mode on the second layer on each image. I believe that Cena riding with Marilyn Monroe is my best out of the two.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Homage to a Computer Artist x2

The illustrator I chose to pay homage to is Alternative Aesthetics. Alternative Aesthetics however, is a human. This human is Colin Kersley. Colin is available to create images with a hint of humour in glorious black and white for gig posters, film posters, book covers, editorial content, etc. However, I added just a pop of color to my images, for added flare and fun!

Here is where you can find some of Colin's work:

Also, here is his portfolio link:

Monday, November 27, 2017

Completed CD

ART in 6 parts, Parts 3 & 4 11/29

        Both of these works of art were used with photographs I had taken. I used the Define Brush Preset and made brushes out of both of the girls in both images. Used different colors of course. I changed the opacity on the second image with the pink layer. Then I changed the blending mode on each different layer to get the image the way I wanted it. With the first image I changed the adjustment levels so it would be a little darker than the second. Seeing as how the photograph itself is rather bright.

11/17 - Scanned Peacock Feather

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

ART in 6 Parts NOV. 15th Parts 1 & 2

 With this work of art I used two separate photographs. I used the quick selection tool to outline the main image and then I used the threshold to create a different looking image selection. I then defined a brush preset and painted the brush onto the image. I used the perspective tool and I transformed the image to fit the wall. Also, I used a font from and used the type tool and typed my initials in the bottom. Transformed those to fit as well. I also used the blending modes to change the colors of the image against the wall.

With this work of art, I used 3 separate works of art. One which I had made previously in photoshop and two were photographs. I used the quick selection tool to outline the main image and then I used the threshold to create a different looking image selection. I then defined a brush preset and painted the brush onto the image. I also used the blending modes to change the colors of the image against the wall.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Blog 7 - Music

This video is by Kane Brown ft. Lauren Alaina. The song entitled "What Ifs" is one of my favorite songs. Kane Brown is an young country music star who recently just became the first person to have one of his songs top all of the country charts simultaneously. He has a rather powerful voice. He isn't afraid to show the world who he is, where he came from, or where he is going.

Project 3 - Portraits