Friday, August 25, 2017

"Quick Camera - Elements and Principles"

This photograph I took shows the element of texture with an asymmetrical balance. With the emphasis being on the lines and the depth of field in the photograph.

 This photograph was taken using a complimentary color scheme and an asymmetrical balance. The photograph also shows the texture of the various plants surrounding the three flowers.

 In this photograph, with the color hues, the photo is very harmonious (in other words, it has unity). The photo also has asymmetrical balance like most of my other photos do. I feel as if a symmetrical photo is not as appealing as an asymmetrical photo.

Selection, Wednesday August 23rd

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dream a Little Dream - Blog Assignment 2

What is the nature of dreams?

     The nature of dreams: Dreams are very exciting and can show the inner dreamer in all of us. Whether we want to become famous, to become President, to end world hunger or to have world peace; we each have a dream hidden deep inside of us that no one knows about. Some people can say that dreams mean nothing, but to me they mean everything. I believe what we promise ourselves can be turned into our dreams. If we aren't careful, they will slip away.

Do you believe in coincidence?

     Coincidence: I do believe in coincidence. Some people say coincidence isn't real. Just because you can't see the connection between two things, doesn't mean the connection isn't there. Say you were to run into an old friend you were just thinking of a few minutes before, that is what coincidence is. Now, some may not believe in it, I on the other hand do. Sometimes, you have to believe in something.

                  "It's hard to believe in coincidence, but it's even harder to believe in anything else.”
                                                       ― John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
How is memory like a dream? 

     Dreams can hold fragments of memories. Episodic recall, or the recall of past events, is closer to a reconstruction of the past than it is retrieval from some kind of memory store. Which happens in dreams as well as when you are awake. So, sometimes people confuse memories of their dreams with memories of reality. Then sometimes, we have dreams, that turn out to actually be memories of things we have done already. Memories are very much like dreams.

One Thing (2)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Computer Art Class Day 2 Assignment

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself."

                                                    -COCO CHANEL

Monday, August 14, 2017

Origami Swan

Blog 1-Illustrator

Illustrator: Brian Allen.

I absolutely love this illustration. Zombies have become a major part of Hollywood, with television shows such as The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. As well as movies. I love the darkness and grossness of the illustration. Brian Allen does T-shirts, album covers and designs mascot characters.