Monday, December 11, 2017

Art in 3 Parts. Parts 5 & 6

With these two works of art, I used two photos I took in Hickory of benches that had been painted. I then took two photos of my dogs and used the selection tool and used the define brush preset and made them into brushes to add to the photos. I added two layers and painted one dog on each image. Then I changed the blending mode on the second layer on each image. I believe that Cena riding with Marilyn Monroe is my best out of the two.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Homage to a Computer Artist x2

The illustrator I chose to pay homage to is Alternative Aesthetics. Alternative Aesthetics however, is a human. This human is Colin Kersley. Colin is available to create images with a hint of humour in glorious black and white for gig posters, film posters, book covers, editorial content, etc. However, I added just a pop of color to my images, for added flare and fun!

Here is where you can find some of Colin's work:

Also, here is his portfolio link: